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Sunday, February 20, 2011

2005 photos...

 This was when we were adding the porches.  The back porch has roofing felt only and the front porch is only a deck.   This photo was on Nov 8, 2005.  Short sleeves so it couldn't have been too cold. 
This was on Dec 2, 2005.  David has on a jacket so the weather had turned cold.  But not cold enough to kill the elephant ears in my little garden. 
As you can see the old siding was still on this end of the cabin.  It was hideous!!!  I think it was some sort of cedar... not sure though. 
My!  How much it has changed!!!  I'll post more photos later.  It's been a long day.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cabin photos

Here's the French Doors with just the trim.  It looks really good...
Here's the doors with trim, paint and crown moulding!  I am VERY pleased!!!  The opening that will be next to the dining table is trimmed and painted.  Quite a difference, isn't it???
Hmmm...  I thought I had the photo of the front door and this opening all trimmed and painted.  Ok... don't even have that photo.  Will get one this weekend.
Here's the Master Bath window with it's trim.  John still has to put crown around the ceiling.  I think that's about all he has to do in here... except for the water heater closet... and the vanity... 
Looks like I need to get busy on those cabinet design???
 This is a sort of close-up of the window over the ... uh... water closet???  LOL!  Not a whole lot you can do to dress up a toilet???
Kitchen windows with all the trim and painted Cream in my Coffee by Valspar.  Oh... the wires coming out of the wall are for the under cabinet lights.  And the wire from the ceiling is for the lights over the sink.  We'll work out the details later.  Hopefully, the electrician won't have to knock a hole in the drywall to move the wires.  :-(  I wouldn't be happy and neither would John, the carpenter!!!
The crown moulding looks VERY good!!!  There's still some touch ups, but it is just what we wanted!!!!
Beadboard ceiling... Hunter ceiling fan with lights, so quiet you can't hear the motor...  Crown moulding to the fireplace!
 Here's the other side of the fireplace.  This is where we'll put the big flat panel TV.  Found the wall mount online for half price. 
Oh!!!  Monday, while no one was here, we think the HVAC guy came by and hooked it up.  I asked John to put the intake vent cover on today.  It looks good!  Will get a couple of filters this weekend.  Then will look around online for those filters that stops just about everything... Doesn't Paul Harvey advertise something like that?  Anyone know what they're called?  If you do, please leave a comment with that info. 

Ok... My eyes are starting to burn.  David starts day shift in the morning and I've got another day of taxes.  Need to get my beauty sleep.  LOL!!!  Well...  That would work if Prince Charming would appear sometime soon...
Thanks, Everyone! for checking in.  I hope this isn't too boring for you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Door & Window Trim & Outdoor Lights

It really does look much better than this.  Well, maybe I'm a bit prejudiced...  There is a trailer full of scrap drywall on the right... the yard is all torn up from all the snow we've had in the last two weeks.  That is the only place the guys can park their trucks.  And the water heater and all the other things that will eventually go into the cabin are on the front porch.  They were in the way... John and his crew had to move everything every day or two.  I'll see about getting them moved to the storage building tomorrow.  But it might be next weekend.  Only one day off a week doesn't leave a lot of time for anything.
I like the way John did the trim around the french doors and side windows.  He's put a coat of paint on the face of the trim...  Cream in My Coffee.  There is just enough contrast that the trim won't disappear into the wall. 
The window over the sink.  I asked John to make that sill a little larger than normal.  I want to have enough room to put a pot of violets there.  :)  A backsplash will be under it to the counter.  I'm still working on the design/layout.  There are SO many decisions to make!  Seems like most of them are made on the spot.  I do have a notebook and lots of magazines that I've cut pictures from.  Need to get busy and put them together for John.  He'll need to know what we want for cabinets throughout the whole cabin. 
Enough for tonight...  Will be back with more as progress is made.

Fan and trim

This will be short...  It's looking really good at the cabin.  I don't have time to post any more photos this morning.  Will try to get more tonight.  John has been working on getting the trim around doors, openings and windows the last couple of days.  It looks more like a house every day.  We're hoping the guy will show up to get the HVAC up and running.  Then...  the flooring!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Window trim and Crown moulding

This doesn't show a lot of detail, but it's there.  We were planning to have the trim for everything the same color as the walls, but after John put white primer on that one window, we decided he was right.  The contrast sets it off nicely.  So, these windows will have Cream in my Coffee instead of the Filoli Honey.
That is the crown moulding in the bottom of the photo.  They have one coat of paint.  He's using his sprayer outside to paint them, then bring them inside to dry.  There's only so much room in here, too.
This morning he's working on the window sills.  I asked him to make the one over the kitchen sink a little deeper.  He had it in place a few minutes ago.  I like it!  Enough room to set a small flower pot, or my Fiesta gravy boat in original yellow.  Or a bright red chili pepper, it's ceramic... a gift from a daughter-in-law... that's where I put my rings and watch when washing dishes.
Well, it's about time to head out to the office.  David said most of the road between here and town is clear...  A few icy patches where there's lots of trees along the roads.  School is closed again today.  I think we got about 1-1/2" to 2" snow yesterday.  It's 24 degrees now.  It might get up to 32 today.  Brrrrr!  But this is still better than it is in NW Arkansas...  They had 22" snow a couple of days ago!  For all us Southerners, that is unbelievable!!!  But for folks from Chicago, that's a piece of cake!  :-)  Take care... and drive carefully!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Window trim and ceiling fans

We thought we'd like the rosettes at the corners of the window trim, but after seeing them...  Well...  We decided to go back to the traditional 45 degree angled trim.  This just didn't look right.

I'm sorry about all the clutter, but this is a work in progress.  I guess I could have moved the extra tile to the storage building today, but it was snowing!  And John was trying to work on the trim.  I didn't want to get in his way.  I took these photos last night about 10:30.
LOL!!!  I was sweeping some sawdust in the sunroom (just around the corner from where I was standing) when John's air compressor tried to come on.  I had that little heater plugged in to keep it from being so cold down here.  It startled me, because I knew I was the only one there...  It tripped the breaker.  Hmmm...  I thought there was enough amps to not be doing that???  Will ask Tommy, the electrician, about that when I figure out how to use my new cell phone.  :-)

Lights, trim, and fans...

Ok...  How does this fan look to you???  That's what I thought, too.  It really doesn't look right.  That's because when I bought it, the ceiling was going to be painted.  But there was enough stained beadboard for the whole room.  I intended to take it back and get one as close to the ones in the living room...  But I misunderstood about when Tommy, the electrician, was coming and didn't put a note on the box...  And my cell phone kicked the bucket, so he couldn't talk to me about what went where...  Does anyone need a white ceiling fan? I still have the box... and the instruction guide...  :-)  Not to worry.  I'll go back to Lowe's and look through their awesome fan collection.  I bet I'll find a Hunter fan that will be perfect! 

This is the trim for the whole house.  Doesn't it look good???  I know... it's hard to tell much about a bunch of lumber tied in bundles.   Just wait til I show you pictures of the window trim!!!  I took these pictures on Monday, the 7th, the same day the electrician was here. 

Oh...  I thought I had a picture of the fans in the living room.  This is only showing the recessed lights over the fireplace and windows.  Terry, the tile guy, got the tile laid around the hearth.  It's the same tile that in the floor of both bathrooms.  At some point we may have him come back and tile over the fireplace.  I think I'll clean it first.  The color looks good with the honey colored walls.

Different time of day...

 It is amazing how different it looks in the morning, compared to night time.  This was from Sunday, Feb 6th at 11am.  The ceiling looks different and the paint looks different.  A much softer look to everything. 
 I really like the shadows on the wall!  That alcove is going to be a cabinet type dresser thing.  The room is only 10'x 11'.  With a king size bed that is about six foot square, there is just not much room left for furniture!  John is working on the trim...  Oops! I'm getting ahead of myself.  There's a few things to tell you before we get to the trim!!!  :-)
This post is about how all these rooms look in daylight.  I am always surprised when I look at the previous posts w/pictures... There is such a change one week to another and sometimes, one day to another.  I'm trying to be patient and not hurry the process.  We've waited this long...  Nov 2002 to now.  Another month or two is not such a long time.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More snow pictures...

 Another neighbor's fence and rocks covered with snow.  I'm thinking this one is black and white, but not really sure.
 Just another view of the lake.  You just have to be there to really appreciate this.  It's calming... I could hear ducks out there...  It was cold...  It's home.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Photos from the lake...

The pine tree in a neighbor's yard hangs over the road and was just waiting for me to come along with my trusty Canon EOS.  I thoroughly enjoyed being home today.  With multiple layers of clothes on, I walked around our little neighborhood for about an hour... until my feet started to hurt.  Three pairs of socks and insulated boots was not enough to keep out the cold from 6 to 8 inches of snow and temps of 28 to 30 degrees!  After I warmed up, I made a big pot of soup and pan of cornbread!  Mmmm!  Was it good!!!
Below another neighbor's house is a ravine, not really a deep one, but, as you can see, there's brush and stuff in it.  I don't know that I'd ever noticed the wheels leaning against that tree, but I did today.

More snow pictures...

Here's a couple more photos I took this morning.  Doesn't look like it's letting up at all.  David said there were several inches snow on his truck when he got off work this morning.
This first photo is from out back deck.  The other is from our front door, looking across the street at one of our neighbor's house. 

Still snowing!!!!

Of course, it's still dark outside, but the flash from my camera caught snowflakes as they were falling.   It's 24 degrees out there.  Brrrr!  This is COLD for SW Arkansas!!!
David should be home soon...  He'll be glad to get home and in out of the cold!!!

Early morning snowfall...

WOW! Woke up early and this is what I found out on the deck!!!  1" to 3" expected today!  Just talked to my boss... We're not opening today.  Depending on how the snow accumulates, we may open later.  Will post more later... Have coffee making. :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Filoli Honey & Cream in My Coffee...

 Oh! My! Is this yellow? or What????  lol!!!  It feels... warm?  And that's a good thing right now.  It's 22 degrees.  The wind is blowing from across the lake.  The wind chimes are playing a nice slow tune out there on the deck.  :-)  Life is good...

Hey!  I like this!!!  Didn't know I could change the layout of the photos and words.

The color makes the whole space feel different!  The texture really stands out.  But you have to be there to see it.  Sorry.  Before the paint went on, the texture didn't look that heavy... Now, it's perfect!!!  It looks like textured wallpaper! 
I guess that's it for today.  It's late and I have to get up early tomorrow.  Will see what John and his crew get done tomorrow...

Guest Bath shower...

Terry, the tile guy, wasn't here today.  It's just too cold for the grout and/or mortar to set.  The floor looks good...  Oops!  I forgot to put painter's tape over the drain...  Oh, well, Terry still has to grout everything.  And the floor of the bathroom isn't done, either.  Several days to go.
I'm almost positive Terry, the tile guy, told us that he's putting tile on the ceiling of the shower, too.  WOW! I'd wanted that, but never asked about it. 

Lake photos...

 The Corp of Engineers has the lake way down... Pool Elevation of 255 feet.  Normal is about 300'.  They're supposed to raising it back up some time this month.  It looks much better when there's no stumps or islands out there.  The cypress trees look odd, especially that one with the Cormorants in it. 

This is closer to the bank...  There were a lot of gulls that day,  but I wasn't fast enough with my camera to get more than these two in the picture.
The overall picture is really nice.  We can hear fish jumping in the water...  At times, we can hear an eagle screeching... Or see one sitting in the top of an old tree out in the lake...  There's white pelicans... all sorts of ducks.  Several years ago, my oldest son and I did some bird watching... In just a few months we spotted about 30 different birds around our house.  I got pictures of quite a few.  Maybe later, when I have some time, I'll post those pictures.