The cabin is about 1200 sq ft. With most of the space in the kitchen, living room, dining room and sunroom. All of those are open and connected. We'll have three interior doors and three exterior doors. Just one bedroom... but there's a Murphy Bed for overnight visitors.
For those who have never heard of a Murphy Bed, it's like the bed in one of Carol Burnett's skits. It folds up into the wall or a closet. We chose to buy the frame and have our carpenter build the cabinet/closet. It's queen size, so it will be comfortable for whoever sleeps in/on it.
Here's a link...
It has already arrived. UPS delivered it in less than the two they'd said it would take. Oh... The bed will go where that bar stool is sitting. As soon as John gets started putting drywall up, I'll get more photos to show you.
I love the convenience of having a wall bed. Great idea, it seems like we are always running out of space in our little cabin, that would really make things easier.