I've got primer on it. :-) I love it!!! Now, to get it sanded and painted.
I couldn't resist. I had to see it with things in it. Of course, the doors will be attached later.
Alright. Here is the cabinet and my grandmother. :-) That seems odd calling her "grandmother". She was "Granny". It took a few minutes to find that picture. It is a Polaroid of her 90th birthday.
Granny was born about 1880 and died January 1972. She and Granddaddy had 12 children. Two died as babies. One daughter died of Thyproid Fever at age 19. There were five handsome brothers and four sisters. Ah. Let's just say they were my aunts and there is a strong family resemblance among a lot of us. LOL!!!
I have lots of wonderful memories of their house on Jefferson Avenue. I hope that when our house is finished and my relatives come to visit, they will see familiar things here.